I recently authored an article for Strategic Consulting Solutions, Inc. (SCS) GovCon Advisor – a monthly news source for the government contracts industry. The article outlines the requirements of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) All Small Mentor-Protégé Program (ASMPP), focusing on the Mentor-Protégé Agreement (MPA) and the recent Hendall case. As I point out, “The Hendall case is a great example of one of the primary business development benefits under the ASMPP – the ability for a large business and small business to form a joint venture and pursue a small business set aside contract as a team. Without the ASMPP JV affiliation exception – these businesses would normally be considered affiliates and unable to pursue the opportunity as a joint venture. The case also highlights the importance of carefully drafting the MPA and being very specific as to the benefits the protégé will receive.”