Bass, Berry & Sims attorney Todd Overman authored “Ten Unique Issues to Consider When Buying or Selling a Government Contractor,” outlining 10 helpful tips unique to acquisitions involving government contractors. The areas discussed include:

  1. Structuring the transaction – stock vs. asset purchase?
  2. How to deal with a corporate conversion
  3. Novation tips for the unwary
  4. Will the seller lose its small business set-aside or 8(a) contracts?
  5. Assessing organizational conflict of interest risk
  6. Accounting and business system compliance
  7. What happens to classified contracts?
  8. GSA schedule contract compliance
  9. Optimizing seller’s intellectual property
  10. Managing change of control communications

The full article, “Ten Unique Issues to Consider When Buying or Selling a Government Contractor,” was published by Bloomberg BNA’s Federal Contracts Report on November 17, 2015 and is available online (subscription required).